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An Important Announcement
We get Facebook posts asking us to save grizzly bears, to stop pollution in our water, to stop using fossil fuels, but how many posts do you get to save America's women and children?
The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is up before Congress for reauthorization. The bill was introduced in July, but its progress was waylaid by other things happening on Capitol Hill.
As of yet, there is little in the news about this bill, even though VAWA expires September 15, 2018.
America's women and children are in danger of no longer being protected from domestic violence, rape, and stalking. It is the government’s duty to protect its citizens, and if VAWA is allowed to expire, we will immediately see increased rates of these crimes against women.
Violent Acts Against Women
Many of us can remember when rape was laughed at and blamed as the woman’s fault. It must be the clothes she wore or the way she presented herself. A woman would not report the rape for fear of retaliation and ostracism. Thankfully, DNA took the mystery out of that crime, but it did not remove the mindset that she “deserved” it.
We know that isn’t true.
Today, this type of thinking centers around stalking. Stalking is a general term for many ways of invading someone’s privacy. Sometimes the stalker is just annoying like a fly. Most of the time, though, stalkers present a very serious danger.
Women are not randomly killed. They are murdered by someone they know. Someone who was stalking them. But there are women who wish they were dead – anything is better than this constant, fearful intrusion into their lives. Stalkers are persistent, and a good one will draw in people and turn them against you. They will lie and make it seem like you are the one causing the problem. Blaming is an essential tool to make their plan work.
The Danger Zone
The most dangerous time for a woman is when she leaves her abusive mate. Not when the fights are heating up. The leaving. The breakup. The danger zone.
Woman stay in a rotten relationship for many reasons, but the main reason is fear. Her man is mean; he has threatened her with various acts if she leaves him, looks at another man, or has the wrong friend. You probably know how it goes. If she cannot do anything right in her marriage, then what will happen to her when she decides she has had enough and wants away from his abuse? He becomes meaner and more demanding, and the already out-of-control situation spins off into space.
Stalking just doesn’t happen to women leaving their mates. There are different types, and the intimate-partner stalker is just one of them. Men are also stalked, though not in great numbers like women.
Stalking just doesn’t happen to women leaving their mates. There are different types, and the intimate-partner stalker is just one of them. Men are also stalked, though not in great numbers like women.
Stalkers lurk in every dark corner, or in broad daylight, just waiting to intimidate.
Learn More Here
Seven Summers of Stalking: A white paper on the #1 Crime Against Women takes an in-depth look at stalking. Read about the profile of stalkers and the devastating consequences on the people they stalk. A voice of experience gives tips on staying safe. There is advice for judges, lawyers, and law enforcement. You will also find a chapter on cyberstalking.
What can we do about this crime that goes unpunished? This book offers solutions.
Take Action
It only takes a minute.
Email your Congressmen and women and ask them to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act.
This is legislation that protects women and children against domestic violence and other forms of abuse, and provides funding for programs.
Reauthorizie VAWA – without delay.
Sample letter (copy & paste)
Dear Senator/Representative >>>
Please reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act. This is due to expire on September 15, 2018. Congress has just a few days remaining to pass this bill. Since 1994 when VAWA was authorized, millions of women and children have been able to seek safety from abuse. The effects of childhood abuse are life-long and well known.
A giant step in ending the violence that besieges our country is to increase the funding for families for mental health services and social services so they are safe and well-fed. The billboards say 1:6 children in America go to bed hungry each night. One-quarter of our population witnesses violence every day. This is not right.
The plight of America's families is unacceptable, and it is the duty of Congress to continue VAWA so we can continue to make steps toward growing healthy families. This can only be done one-by-one, on the part of us all, and I appeal to you to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act.
I thank you. America's struggling families thank you.